What is an Allergy?
Allergies generally are defined as hypersensitivity to some foreign particles or others. The sensitivity of the skin of a person against some substance or chemical which doesn’t affect another person is known as skin allergy. Different people have different sorts of tolerances for foreign bodies. When some people cannot adjust to certain elements in their surroundings, they'll suffer from certain skin problems that are commonly mentioned as skin allergies.
There is a sure way of determining whether your skin affliction is an allergy or not. If you've got got a skin disease because of a cause that has affected nobody else, then it's an allergy. For instance, several people could also be exposed to dust. But if it affects you in a very strong way, then you're allergic to dust.
Types of problem-related to skin Allergy
Skin allergies might be a kind of itching, dry and scaly skin, eruptions, rashes, boils, etc. There are three main varieties of problems that are related to skin allergies. These types are as follows:-
(i) Dermatitis - this can be the skin allergy which is caused by contact with some substances. it's shown as an inflammation.
(ii) Hives - Hives may be a fluid accumulation within the skin which shows up as a swelling. this is often a short-lived condition and heals with treatment. Hives also are referred to as urticaria.
(iii) Prickly heat - This is often a red rash that occurs on the body. prickly heat is usually caused because of excessive perspiration by hot and humid climates.
All skin problems are Vata dosha disorders. Vata dosha controls the air element of the physical body. Hence, when the Vata dosha is vitiated, there are skin reactions. in several people, there are different degrees of the Vata dosha. In some people, the vata could also be weak and obtain easily vitiated because of external factors. Such people are more specific to skin allergies than others.
In this article, we see the way to treat various skin allergies with an Ayurvedic point of view.
Related post: Causes, symptoms, and prevention of allergy
Useful Herbs for Treatment of Skin Allergies
Cassia (Cassia fistula)
Cassia is used effectively in the treatment of several irritations on the skin caused by allergies. A paste of the cassia leaves is often applied on the skin just in case of inflammation of the hands and feet caused because of extreme cold, and also swellings caused by the accumulation of fluids under the skin, as in hives.
Henna (Lawsonia inermis)
Henna is a superb remedy for several skin allergies. It is utilized in the case of hives, swellings, boils, and other forms of inflammation. Applying henna on the skin cools the skin and removes the symptom of the allergy.
Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)
The holy basil is venerated in Indian tradition as tulsi. it's an almost maternal status for the Hindus. This plant is venerated for its many medicinal properties. Among the various advantages, tulsi is additionally used for healing skin problems. just in case of itches and rashes, the juice of the tulsi leaves is applied on the skin. this is often a really quick treatment for allergic skin problems.
Madhuca (Madhuca indica)
Madhuca is applied as a treatment for skin itch problems. The leaves are made into a paste and applied onto the skin in skin infections because of allergy.
Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina)
Rauwolfia, also known as Sarpagandha in Ayurveda. it's a really good remedy for skin problems. just in case of hives, the juice of its leaves is applied on the swollen parts to prevent itching. Relief is nearly immediate.
Sandalwood (Santalum alba)
Sandalwood may be a traditional remedy for all types of itch problems on the skin. it's made into a paste and applied on the skin. It smoothes the skin and prevents it from allergies. Itches are immediately resolved by applying sandalwood paste on the skin. Permanent relief is often obtained by keeping the paste smeared on the skin for half an hour before washing it off. Sandalwood oil is additionally utilized in the treatment of diseases like erysipelas (an eruptive allergic skin disease) and prurigo (an itchy skin eruption).
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Dietary Guidelines for Treatment of Skin Allergies
You must take plenty of water to stop all types of skin allergies. These include fresh fruits and vegetables that have a high water content in them. within the summer season, take cooling drinks like lemon juices and sherbets.
Do not consume sour foods if you've got skin allergy problems often. this will vitiate the Vata dosha further.
Home Remedies for Treatment of Skin Allergies
- Take about 30 milliliters of the juice of the leaves of wood apple (Feronia limonida) mix some cumin powder in it. Take this twice daily. this is often a really good treatment for urticaria or hives.
- Extract the juice of the jambula (Indian Plum) and blend some soda in it. Apply this just in case of prickly heat.
- In hot seasons, drink a glass of juice twice every day. this may supplement the vitamin C content of the body lost because of perspiration and can prevent the outburst of prickly heat.
- Chomping on sugarcane several times within the hot season is additionally an honest method of preventing prickly heat.
- One of the effective home remedies for allergies of skin is the use of juice and sandalwood paste. All you should do is take some sandalwood paste and add a few drops of juice in it. Now apply this paste on the affected area for subsequent fifteen to twenty minutes then wash it off.
- Chamomile tea is additionally one of the efficient home remedies for skin allergies. Boil some water then add some chamomile leaves in it. Allow it to chill down then take clean cotton and soak it within the tea. Apply this cloth directly on the affected area. this may help in the healing of the spot.
- To have relief from the itch caused by the allergy you must attempt to take papaya and mash it. Apply this paste of papaya on the affected area. this may not only give relief from the itch but also will help in making your skin healthy.
- Be very careful while you're using cosmetics. Always check the contents or components of cosmetic products. Cosmetic products contain strong and harmful chemicals that may cause allergy to the skin.
- Take two cups of water then add ten drops of oil of rose, one-fourth cup of vodka, and half a cup of fresh deep-red rose petals in it. Mix them well and apply to the affected area.
- Take three tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda, one teaspoon each of yarrow flowers, chamomile flowers, elderflowers, calendula flowers, and Echinacea root. Now take a cup of boiling water and pour it on these herbs. Wait fifteen minutes and strain the mixture. Now take a clean cloth and soak it to the mixture. Apply this cloth directly on the affected area.
- You should avoid consumption of salty and fried foods and don't eat processed food as these entire food products can cause certain allergies.
- To reduce the irritation caused by skin allergy and heal the affected area quickly you must try using castor oil, mineral oil, and grape seed oil.
- Consume food rich in vitamin C because it can convince to be very effective in fighting skin allergies. Fruits like orange, strawberries, and other citrus fruits are rich sources of vitamin C.
- Take a glass of water and add two tablespoons of apple vinegar in it. Mix them well and drink immediately. this is often a really effective home remedy for skin allergies.